Fruits of the Spirit

It would take a special kind of denialism to look upon the beauty of a horse and flat out deny intelligent design — and one that is so notably sacred as well. The book of Galatians [5:22-23] lists nine attributes that result from God’s presence within us, and these qualities of character help us not only build interpersonal relationships but also help us connect better with horses as well. These traits are known as the Fruits of the Spirit and they are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. Let’s take a look at how they may help a horse relate to you:

The unselfish care and concern for others is what love actually is. And this care manifests in meeting all of a horses needs for security, safety, food, and water.

Inner joy goes beyond mere happiness and that contentment can radiate to others. Horses are so sensitive to our emotions that they can pick up on how we feel.

Horses being a flight animal, benefit from feeling peacefulness from those near them.

True patience is not just the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting.

Horses naturally have a gentle spirit.

Making choices based on principle is what goodness is.

Faithfulness involves trust. And building trust with a horse gives them…

Humbleness is the lack of arrogance and show beautifully next to a horse…

The ability to have self-control and self-discipline keeps our emotions tempered and pleasant.

These nine attributes will help us have better relations with both people and horses.