About Us

I am a teenager from British Columbia, Canada. I started riding when I about two and it was instantly my favourite thing. It was all I ever wanted to do and as I got older, that passion for anything horses only got stronger. I knew I wanted to have a career in horses as it was the only thing I could see myself doing. I wanted to pave my own way but I didn’t know what part of the culture — from western to agriculture — I wanted to get into because I really loved it all.

That was until I realized it was actually possible to enter the world of horse rescue and make a personal impact. found myself drawn to the spirit and freedom behind mustangs and I feel that it really spoke to my soul. Mustangs have become a focus and I have recently adopted a rescued mustang. She is a stunningly beautiful three-year-old mare named Promise. Her coat is dark with accents from ebony to cinnamon. Her eyes are expressive and wide, and her intelligence amazes me each day. She is curious and captivating, and she is the most affectionate horse I have ever met. She nickers when she sees me and she is so responsive to voice and hand cues that I hope to further develop her liberty horsemanship.

Rescuing horses is more than just meeting their physical needs but also about growing their potential as companions. A horse who has once experienced reason to be afraid but is now growing to trust a human — even enjoying their interactions in a blessed sort of co-dependency – is really a fulfilling and rewarding goal.