A first appointment can be a struggle for any horse but rescue horses can have an even harder time.
How can we help horses work through struggles with appointments well if its for ferriers touching a horses feet and shaving them down for the first time defiantly takes some getting used to and takes time especially for horses who has barely even had a hoof pick to their hoof or maybe have never even been brushed so what can a first farrier appointment look like and how can we prepare/ what ground work can we do to make tings easier for the horses? The best thing to start doing for getting feet done is not only make a really calming environment for the horse but also for the farrier doing the horses feet. Doing ground work before the appointment isn’t just good for the horse and makes things easier for you but also helps the farrier so much. Ground work can start with just picking up and holding each of the horses feet and just really making it a rewarding experience for them so lots of talking to them and treats for every time they are calm and stand still for you.
A visit From the Veterinarian
Most horses who come from a place and background of neglect can be expected to feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable with a veterinarian’s visit. Health problems from lack of care could combine several issues such as colic, foundering, wounds, joint and tissue problems, worms and other parasites and even injury to bones and joints. So seeing vet can be really stressful and even more if its for something really serious. If your dealing with a really serious injury especially if its with a rescue horse you I would choose a vet that you know and can trust but also inform the vet about the situation so they have an idea about what they are going into. Another reason why vet appointments for rescue horses can be very stressful is that most of the time you don’t really have time to prepare for it, it’s really about getting the horse the care it needs as quick as possible so no time is wasted and the horse can get the attention they need.